
亲爱的. 贝丝查普曼


亲爱的. 贝丝查普曼 was elected Alabama’s 51st Secretary of State in 2006 after having first been elected and serving four years as State Auditor and running a successful public relations and political consulting firm in Birmingham. 从政之前, 她做了10年的特别活动总监, 时任囊性纤维化基金会的州执行主任.

在她被选为国务卿时, 她获得的选票比州历史上任何一位宪法官员都多.

查普曼得了B.S. Degree from the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 in Communications and her Master’s Degree (优等生阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校教育学专业.

She completed the Executives in State Government Management Institute at Princeton University and completed the Senior Executives in State and Local Government at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Chapman was the first woman in Alabama to serve as a Cabinet Member in the capacity of Appointments Secretary for a Governor and later as Press Secretary for a Lieutenant Governor.

在2002年被选为州审计员后,查普曼负责1美元.60亿美元的房地产资产. 在她的领导下, the State Auditor’s office produced a record-breaking 96 percent perfect audit rate among state agencies, 让他们承担最高的责任.

作为国务卿, Chapman streamlined the Business Services Division of her office bringing it into the 21st 世纪电子在线业务文件. 查普曼创建了国务卿的第一个选民欺诈特别工作组. 她支持打击选举舞弊,并成为媒体关注的焦点 福克斯新闻. She is known as a national leader in the valiant effort to develop legislation for electronic military voting to better serve members of our military who serve abroad.

Chapman was elected by her peers across the nation to serve as President of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) in 2012. She also served on The Pew Charitable Trust’s Alliance for Military and Overseas Voting Rights. Secretary Chapman travelled twice to Taiwan as a NASS Delegate and to Munich, Germany as a special guest of the Overseas Vote Foundation’s International Summit. 她还在以色列代表阿拉巴马州. She has been called as an expert witness to testify before Congress regarding the need and potential solutions to the voting problems faced by our military members serving overseas.

Chapman has received numerous military commendations for her advancement of the patriotic spirit in America: The Seven Seals Award 由 Employer Support for the Guard and Reserves (ESGR) and two appointments by Alabama’s Governor and Adjutant General to participate with Alabama Senators and House Members in the Partnership for Peace Program where she represented Alabama in Romania, 比利时和德国. 查普曼部长受到了美国兵役委员会的表彰, received an award of support from the Alabama National Guard and was chosen to represent Alabama at the National Security Forum at the renowned Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base.

Secretary Chapman has been appointed by four different Governors to serve on state boards and commissions. She served as a member of the Governor’s Committee on Accountability and was elected unanimously as a member of Alabama’s Electoral College in 2004. She has received numerous personal and professional honors and awards including two congressional appointments to the Women’s Leadership Conference in Washington, DC, the Outstanding 校友 Achievement Award from the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 and was chosen as an Internationally Distinguished Citizen by Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity. She was also selected to the nationally prestigious Toll Fellows program and is a member of ODK Leadership Fraternity. She has been honored 由 Southern Women in Leadership Program sponsored 由 Stennis Center for Public Service.

Chapman presently, or has served in the past, as a board member for the following:

澳门在线赌城娱乐董事会, 阿拉巴马州儿童虐待和忽视预防部门, 与古巴国务委员会接触,并担任委员会主席. 文森特医院基金会董事会. She also served as State Chairman for former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s “iCivics” national student education program.

她曾在发展中的阿拉巴马州青年项目工作, 家庭关系, 谢尔比县儿童权益中心, Support our Soldiers organization and has served on the boards of the Shelby County Family Resource Center, 谢尔比县艺术委员会, 美国生活计划, 儿童政策委员会, 危机中心, 社区悲伤支援服务, 法院任命了特别辩护律师, 生命线领养事工, 夏季房主协会和转折点基金会. 她被命名为 青少年冠军 美国男孩女孩俱乐部. 2011年,她被提名 年度公民 由 谢尔比县记者 她还在那里做了十多年的特约专栏作家.

查普曼已经写了七本书. One received the George Washington Medal from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge and another was an Amazon Best Seller.

2011年,查普曼的丈夫詹姆斯去世,年仅50岁. Two years later she retired (in 2013) after 11 years in elective office to expand 贝丝查普曼 & 的同事, 有限责任公司, a political and public relations consulting firm which she started with her husband in 1996.

Chapman’s company now represents various corporations, associations and organizations.

查普曼有两个成年的儿子和一个孙子. 她住在胡佛市,在蒙哥马利有一处商业住宅.