
September 24, 2024 | Faculty Spotlight

Featured Falcons: Dr. Kelly Wacker

What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo? Dr. Kelly Wacker, professor of art. Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in? I grew up in the Western U.S. 我的家乡是科罗拉多州,我的童年是在加州度过的. I currently live […]

August 27, 2024 | Faculty Spotlight

Featured Falcons: Dr. Shafqat Ali Shad

What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo? Dr. Shafqat Ali Shad, Michael E. Stephens College of Business. Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in?I’m originally from Islamabad, Pakistan, a city known for its beautiful scenery and lush greenery […]

June 6, 2024 | Faculty Spotlight

Featured Falcons: Alexander Mechitov 

What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo? Dr. 斯蒂芬斯商学院(Stephens College of Business)管理信息系统教授Alexander Mechitov说. Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in? I have been living in Montevallo for the last 23 years. My wife and I came here […]

May 29, 2024 | Faculty Spotlight

GREAT MINDS: Richardson Talks Psych, Pain and Passing the Torch

It’s true that one college class can shape your entire future — in Dr. 伊丽莎白·贝琪·理查森的案例,这是心理学入门课程. While the Florence native didn’t start out as a psychology major, 当她了解到这个学科的物理方面时,她的兴趣被激发了. “There was one chapter that we covered […]

February 20, 2024 | Faculty Spotlight

Featured Falcons: Dr. Paul D. Mahaffey

What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo? Paul D. Mahaffey, 英语与世界语言系系主任你来自哪里,目前居住在哪个城市? I am from Thorsby, Alabama and currently reside in Calera, Alabama If you hold any degrees, what are they […]

December 11, 2023 | Faculty Spotlight

Featured Falcons: Dr. Ji Ji Davis

What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo? Dr. Ji Ji Davis, 教学学系基础教育副教授, Learning and Technology and program coordinator for elementary, 教育与人类发展学院的基础/协作以及聋人和重听教育. Where are you from and […]

December 6, 2023 | Faculty Spotlight

Faculty Profile: Dr. Ashley Wurzbacher

Before Dr. Ashley Wurzbacher was a writer, she was a reader. While delving into the worlds of Latin American magical realism, 文学小说以复杂的女性和短篇小说集为中心, the Titusville, Pennsylvania, native discovered an eagerness to tell her own stories. Wurzbacher是一名英语副教授,今年8月出版了她的处女作. “How […]

November 27, 2023 | Faculty Spotlight

Featured Falcons: Dr. Jennifer Alexiou-Ray

What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo? Jennifer A. Alexiou-Ray, Ph.D.他是研究生院主任,教学技术项目协调员 & 教育硕士课程和教学技术教授 & leadership. Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in? I grew up in Helena and attended […]

March 10, 2023 | Faculty Spotlight

Featured Falcons: Dr. Gregory Samuels

你的名字是什么?目前在澳门在线赌城娱乐的头衔是什么? Dr. Gregory Samuels, 2014年起担任中学教育副教授,2020年起担任首席多元化和包容性官. Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in? I am originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. […]

June 9, 2021 | Faculty Spotlight

Samuels leads University’s diversity, inclusion efforts

在2020年被任命为UM的首席多元化和包容性官后,Dr. 格雷戈里·塞缪尔花了很多时间致力于促进一个包容性的校园环境. “My goals center around having a campus that strengthens, advances and sustains increased diversity, equity and inclusion and actively promotes social justice,” Samuels said. Samuels […]

September 12, 2019 | Faculty Spotlight

Dr. Joseph Landers creates opera in celebration of Alabama Bicentennial

In 1936, on assignment for Fortune Magazine, 作家詹姆斯·阿吉和摄影师沃克·埃文斯花了八周时间记录住在塔斯卡卢萨和黑尔县的贫困佃农的生活.  Though the article was never printed, 阿吉对大萧条重压下佃农生活的描述,以及埃文斯引人注目的摄影作品,最终都被[…]

May 8, 2019 | Faculty Spotlight

From Montevallo
to Carnegie

Dr. 梅琳达·道尔为学生提供实践经验,由麦迪逊·格里格斯的17博士. Melinda Doyle, associate professor of music and director of choral activities at UM, 指挥音乐会合唱团和大学合唱团,教授本科生合唱指挥和合唱方法. 通过她在音乐系的位置,多伊尔已经使无数的学生探索[…]

April 19, 2019 | Faculty Spotlight

Faculty Friday: Tiffany Wang

If you mention the name ‘Dr. 穿过校园,你会被许多兴奋的学生迎接,他们会夸口说:“那是我的指导老师。!” Dr. Tiffany Wang于2012年开始在澳门在线赌城娱乐教授传播学. As an associate professor in the Department of Communication, she teaches a variety of courses in communication theory, training […]

April 12, 2019 | Faculty Spotlight

Faculty Friday: DeAnna Smith

DeAnna Smith, instructor of accounting in the Michael E. 斯蒂芬斯商学院分享的不仅仅是她在会计领域20年的丰富经验. 她还分享了社会企业家精神和可持续发展在管理领域的重要性, non-profit and environmental studies. DeAnna and her students are the individuals responsible […]

March 22, 2019 | Faculty Spotlight

Faculty Friday: Dr. Donna Bell

Dr. Donna Bell, 亚利桑那大学家庭和消费者科学助理教授和项目协调员, 20世纪80年代初,她在澳门在线赌城娱乐开始了她的学术生涯,攻读本科学位. In 2006, Bell returned to campus to teach retail merchandising courses, including visual merchandising, textiles, retail buying and fashion forecasting.   虽然贝尔在课堂上的主要目标是教学生她的领域是如何…

March 15, 2019 | Faculty Spotlight

Faculty Friday: Amiee Mellon

Mellon says it’s finding your fit in the mix Dr. 艾米·梅隆于2014年在澳门在线赌城娱乐开始了她的教学生涯. Dr. 梅隆在斯蒂芬斯商学院教授各种营销主题. Prior to teaching, 梅隆花了几年时间在广告公司工作,最终在获得博士学位的同时成为自由职业者.D. […]

February 22, 2019 | Faculty Spotlight

Davis has the Montevallo Connection

Dr. Jennifer (JiJi) Davis is no stranger to the brick streets on campus. She started her Montevallo path as a student in 1995. 戴维斯于2006年开始担任该大学的兼职教师,并于2008年成为全职教师. 现在,戴维斯不仅在澳门在线赌城娱乐任教,而且她还[…]

January 9, 2019 | Faculty Spotlight

Connections Bloom

Dr. 克里斯汀·吉尔伯特的《澳门在线赌城娱乐》作者:麦迪逊·格里格斯. Kristen Gilbert, professor of psychology. Her academic journey has taken her across the U.S.同时也不断加强她在澳大的人脉,鼓励她成长. In addition to her role […]