
Creative Writing


Creative Writing at the University of Montevallo

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Creative Writing Students

作为传统英语专业的一个组成部分,或者作为与任何其他研究领域的独立集中, 澳门大学的创意写作辅修课程为学生提供了一个持续的基础,将他们的写作培养成一种艺术形式. Through a mix of workshops and seminars, 辅修课程的学生将探索创意写作的理论和实践,以便在他们所有的写作努力中培养想象力. Some courses focus on multiple genres, while others focus on a single genre (poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction).

15 Credit Hours Required, including:

ENG 261 – Introduction to Creative Writing (3 hrs.)
ENG 361 – Intermediate Creative Writing (3 hrs.)
ENG 461 – Advanced Creative Writing (3 hrs.)

Choose two of the following:

ENG 361 – Intermediate Creative Writing (3 hrs. – second genre)
ENG 365 – Creative Writing: Forms (3 hrs.)
ENG 456 – The Writing Process (3 hrs.)


澳门大学英语硕士课程的合格学生可以选择创意写作论文. M.A. 学生在指导老师的指导下完成创造性论文,撰写创造性写作的原创作品(60-100页的小说或相当于20-25首诗歌的诗集)。, 以及一个批判性的介绍,提供了一个语境框架,将他们的作品与其类型联系起来, literary influences, and artistic goals. For more information about UM’s M.A. in English, visit http://pbshnm.hbweilan.net/academics/colleges/college-of-arts-sciences/department-of-english-world-languages/programs/english-m-a/the-masters-of-arts-in-english/


创意写作学生有机会作为贡献者参与, readers, and editors of UM’s creative arts journal, The Tower 并通过福尔特创意节参加与当地和全国知名作家的阅读和讨论, the Poetry@UM Reading Series, and the BACHE Visiting Writers’ Series. 最近来访的作家包括拜纳姆, Karen Bender, Ramona Ausubel, Derrick Harriell, Kim Addonizio, Alina Stefanescu, Tina Mozelle Braziel, Ashley M. Jones, Allie Rowbottom, Joseph Scapellato, Aja Gabel, natasha Deon, Jean Guerrero等人. 


murphy photo







Dr. 吉姆·墨菲(辛辛那提大学博士)著有三本诗集: The Memphis Sun (Kent State University Press), Heaven Overland (Kennesaw State University Press) and The Uniform House (Negative Capability Press). 他的诗已经或即将出版 Brooklyn Review, Cimarron Review, Gulf Coast, Painted Bride Quarterly, Mississippi Review, Puerto del Sol, Texas Review, The Southern Review, TriQuarterly and other journals. 他还翻译了一本西班牙语诗集, Amazonia, by Colombian American poet Juan Carlos Galeano. For more about Dr. Murphy’s work, visit http://negativecapability.storenvy.com/products/7949598-the-uniform-house

Email: murphyj@hbweilan.net

Office: Humanities Hall 200B







Dr. Ashley Wurzbacher(休斯顿大学博士)是短篇小说集的作者 Happy Like This (University of Iowa Press), 2019年爱荷华州短篇小说奖得主,美国国家图书基金会“35岁以下5人”奖得主. Her stories have appeared in The Kenyon Review Online, Gettysburg Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Prairie Schooner, The Iowa Review, The Cincinnati Review, The Florida Review, and other journals. Her novel is forthcoming from Atria Books. Read more about Dr. Wurzbacher at http://ashleywurzbacher.com/. Read a sample of her work at http://kenyonreview.org/kr-online-issue/2019-mayjune/selections/ashley-wurzbacher-342846/

Email: awurzbac@hbweilan.net

Office: Humanities Hall 300A


“蒙特瓦洛的创意写作给了我一个私密的空间来分享我的作品. 研究每个人的材料很快成为我一周中最喜欢的部分, 因为我不仅能读到故事,还能听到和见证故事的形成. These experiences were revelatory not just for my own writing but also my professionalization as a writer; they allowed me to think critically about what it means to be a writer inside and outside of an institution while also preparing me for my work in an MFA program and beyond.” –Levi Pulford, ’20

澳门在线赌城娱乐的创意写作项目提供了一个绝佳的机会,可以与校园里的其他作家一起工作,提高写作水平. 这是一个充满了热爱同样事物的人的环境. Because of things like the workshops, 这个程序对提高你的写作能力非常有帮助!” –Adriel Vinson, ’21

“创意写作项目让我走出了写作的茧. 能和别人分享我的作品是一件很高兴的事, 并得到有价值的反馈,这将使我把写作作为我永远的职业.” –Elliot Eguia, ’21

“蒙特瓦洛的创意写作课程是最有趣的课程之一, engaging, and diverse classes that I have taken on campus! 他们帮助我培养了批判性的分析能力, given me confidence as a communicator, 让我进一步提高了写作技巧,培养了我的创造力. 该项目拥有出色的师资力量,让你有机会与他们建立联系,并与同龄人建立友谊.” –Madisen DeMent, ’22

“蒙特瓦洛的创意写作课程教会了我现实生活中的技巧,为毕业后继续写作做好了准备. It is taught by professors who are active, 出版作家,他们确切地知道你在当今竞争激烈的市场中会遇到什么.” –Shannon Veitch, ’22

“创意写作课程真的帮助我在工作中获得了信心! 我从没想过我会喜欢诗歌,直到我选修了这门辅修课!”        –Mallory Currie, ’20 



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Please visit http://um-tower.squarespace.com/ for more information about The Tower.