TRIO Upward Bound Programs

Meet the Staff

Paul G. Barnes, EdS

Director, TRIO Upward Bound Programs

Paul G. Barnes

Paul G. Barnes

Mr. 巴恩斯于1999年加入澳门在线赌城娱乐三重奏向上发展项目,担任项目协调员. Over the years, 他的工作职责随着项目需求的变化而变化,他最近的头衔是教育技术协调员. In 2021, he was promoted to Director. Mr. 巴恩斯负责创建和监督旨在服务和支持第一代的项目和服务, low-income high school students. He is also responsible for all record-keeping, 监控项目是否符合联邦法规, government reporting, and grant writing.

在加入UM三重奏向上发展计划工作人员之前,先生. Barnes was a community mental health counselor, a computer technician, a webmaster, and a network manager.

Reggie Holifield, MEd

Math and Science Coordinator

Photo of Reggie Holifield

Reggie Holifield

Mr. 雷吉是蒙特瓦洛三重奏向上发展大学的校友, Student Support Services, and Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement programs. 他于2014年秋季加入澳门在线赌城娱乐三重奏向上发展计划,担任志愿导师, and soon transitioned into the roll of Master Tutor. In the Summer of 2021, Mr. 雷吉被提升为数学和科学协调员. His areas of responsibilities include: collaborating with community partners to enhance program resources including research and applied science opportunities; supervising the UBMS STEM Mentoring program; assisting participants in the identification and selection of STEM majors and career fields of interest; assisting in the identification, recruitment, and selection of project participants; coordinating STEM-related career site visits; implementing STEM workshops; and preparing students for successful entry into post-secondary programs.

在加入UM三重奏向上发展计划工作人员之前,先生. 雷吉在科学领域担任中学教育工作者. He has taught courses including ACT Prep, Advanced Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Life Science, Physical Science, and Science: Reading, Writing, and Publishing.

Rebbie Taylor-Jones B.S.

Student Development Coordinator

Rebbie Taylor-Jones

Rebbie Taylor-Jones

Mrs. 瑞比毕业于澳门在线赌城娱乐,获得社会工作学士学位. 她现在正在攻读临床心理健康咨询硕士学位. 她开始在2022年春季担任三重奏上进项目的学生发展协调员. Mrs. 瑞比负责为个人和社会需求提供个人和团体支持课程. Mrs. 瑞比负责上进大使计划和协调社区服务活动. 她组织文化丰富和发展活动.

Mrs. 瑞比曾在谢尔比紧急援助中心担任“共同成长”教练, 她和单身妈妈及其家人一起工作的地方. 她帮助母亲们返回学校,提供托儿服务、交通和其他必需品. She genuinely enjoys helping others.

Audrey Crippen, MSW

Education Technology Coordinator

Audrey Crippen

Audrey Crippen

奥黛丽·克里彭是一名有执照的社会工作者,也是澳门在线赌城娱乐的校友, 她在哪里获得了心理学和社会工作学位. 她拥有阿拉巴马大学社会工作硕士学位. She is a TRIO alum (McNair Scholars, 2007.) Originally from Elmore County, Alabama, 奥黛丽一直致力于政策倡导和服务她的社区.


Savannah Finney B.S.

Academic Coordinator

Savannah Finney

Savannah Finney

Ms. 萨凡纳是澳门在线赌城娱乐三重奏向上发展计划的校友. 她亲眼目睹了教育工作者在学生身上投入了大量的时间和兴趣,她的上进培养了她对教育的热爱. While working to obtain her education degree, Ms. Savannah studied abroad in Oxford, 英国的文学研究的线索和历史地点涉及到C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. As Academic Coordinator, 她负责为学生提供补充指导,并监督参与者的成绩和评估数据. Ms. Savannah is also responsible for training tutors, providing academic guidance, 并帮助学生注册考试和获得奖学金.

Prior to joining the TRIO Upward Bound staff, Ms. 芬尼在蒙哥马利公立学校和奇尔顿县学校担任了三年半的英语教师. 在此期间,她担任年鉴顾问和英语系主任. Additionally, 她教过包括英语语言艺术在内的课程, Pre-AP English, Test Taking Skills, Creative Writing, Art, and Yearbook Publication.

Anitka Sims, BBA

Administrative Assistant

Anitka Sims

Anitka Sims

Mrs. 安妮卡·斯图尔特·西姆斯于2020年1月加入三重奏向上发展团队,担任行政助理. In this position, Anitka works with staff, students, 以及提供各种行政支持功能的外部办公室.

此前,她曾担任谢尔比紧急援助的东南亚旧货店经理. Anitka毕业于澳门在线赌城娱乐(University of Montevallo),获得工商管理学士学位.