

家庭是蒙特瓦洛体验的重要组成部分. 不管你是否属于悠久历史的一部分, 或者自己开一家, you can feel the presence of past and future generations living in the campus walls. 家庭并不总是与血缘有关. It can be the lifelong relationships made during some of the best years of your life. 埃迪Czeskleba is lucky enough to share his Montevallo legacy with both kinds of family. As he sits in the student Call Center in Reynolds Hall, he stops mid-story to stare off to the side for a moment. It is clear that he is thinking of all the amazing and beautiful memories he has of his hometown and campus. 他的激情无处不在,而且有充分的理由. He has been a part of the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 from birth, and he understands the legacy of the Montevallo family in a unique and powerful way.

James Edwin (Eddie) Czeskleba was born in 1953, to Bert and Verna Czeskleba. 他在蒙特瓦洛长大, visiting the campus almost daily as a child while his father worked as an electrician in the Physical Plant. Verna was a student at Montevallo in the 1940s, and Bert began working on campus in 1950. Eddie 入读该大学 in 1971, graduating in 1975 with a degree in pre-med. 虽然他没有上过医学院, Eddie firmly believes that his education has been helpful to him for his entire life. He participated in work study for the physical plant as a student, 并选择成为一名全职电工, 跟随他父亲的脚步.

Eddie’s wife, Karen Nix Czeskleba ‘75, is a fellow Montevallo graduate with a degree in accounting. The couple married in 1978, three years after graduating from the University. They have four children, all of whom attended the University and finished in four years. 他们最小的女儿, 芭芭拉的12, works at the Student Activity Center on campus; and their youngest son, 马克- 05, 在大学警察局工作. Keith ‘03, their oldest son, is married to a fellow Montevallo alumna. 艾迪于2月1日退休, 2006; the same year his oldest daughter, 玛丽的10, 入读该大学. 他有三个孙子, who he hopes will continue his family’s legacy by attending the 澳门在线赌城娱乐. He says there has been a Czeskleba on campus every year since 1950, the only exception being the year after his father passed away.

对Eddie来说,学生永远是第一位的. He hopes that every Montevallo alum helps to give others the opportunity to experience the campus the way they did. “If every alum could give just a little bit, it would make a big impact on student success,” he says. 他应该知道. As an employee, Eddie participated in Foundation campaigns through 教师 & 工作人员给. He saw firsthand how a large number of small contributions added up, 他每天都看到这些礼物是如何帮助学生的. His love for the students is one reason why he enjoys speaking with the Call Center students. He admires their ability to remain joyful and engaging with alumni while going to school full-time. He loves knowing that they are students helping other students. 他还记得呼叫中心在帕尔默大厅的时候, and they would ring a bell every time someone made a gift. Eddie “always wanted to be a person who they would ring the bell for.“现在他来了.

The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 has recently announced the public phase of its first-ever comprehensive fundraising campaign, 蒙特瓦洛战役: 这是关于家庭的. A main priority of the multi-million fundraising campaign is to build annual giving through unrestricted, budget-supporting gifts to provide for the critical needs of students, 教师, 教练和工作人员.

几十年来,, Eddie and his family have given generously to the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 to support many of the University’s critical needs. He says that he hopes they have left a mark on this place, and they certainly have. He knows that “you can never give enough back because of what the University gave you over the years.他说:“我喜欢在这里上学。. 教授们都是一流的. 他们知道你的名字. 这对我来说意义重大.” Eddie knows that “it really is all about family”—not just his family, but the countless people all over the world who are a part of the Montevallo family forever. The campus would not be the same without him and his family. 如果没有学生,一切就不一样了, 教师, and friends who have given life and character to an institution devoted to the betterment of future generations. As Eddie believes is true for many other Montevallo graduates, 他州, “大学是我的一部分, 一直都是. 这是我的天性. 如果你割伤我,我可能会流紫色的血!”