
UM Students Gain Hands-On Career Experience Through Summer Internships

许多澳门在线赌城娱乐的学生利用暑假的时间,通过实习在他们想要的职业领域获得一些实践经验. These valuable opportunities have taken our Falcons around the country, from Birmingham to Washington, D.C., from theatre to construction work. Check out what some UM students have been working on these past few months.

哈珀Chassay, DACOR Bacon House Foundation 哈珀Chassay
今年夏天, 大四学生哈珀Chassay在华盛顿的DACOR Bacon House基金会完成了实习, D.C. DACOR (Diplomatic and Consular Officers, Retired) Bacon House is a historical residence and architectural treasure, 该基金会还通过奖学金促进公众对国际事务和外交的理解, 讲座, 出版物, conferences and a museum.

Chassay, a senior majoring in political science with a pre-law minor, 通过行为和社会科学系的奖学金获得实习机会,每年有一名学生获得UM资助,参加华盛顿特区的华盛顿中心学术实习计划.C. TWC为实习生提供社交机会和夜校,并帮助实习生与DACOR等潜在的工作网站建立联系.

在DACOR, Chassay曾担任众议院200周年庆典的沟通和社交媒体实习生. 实习期间,她最喜欢的部分是与现任和前任美国官员一起工作,获得了建立人脉的机会.S. foreign service officers, including former U.S. 大使.

“我有机会见到在外交政策中发挥重要作用的人,并有幸帮助推广美国最保守的秘密之一:历史悠久的达克尔培根之家,” the Guntersville native said. “在这里工作让我对历史遗迹和像DACOR这样的非营利组织在幕后是如何运作的有了宝贵的见解.”

在校园, Chassay is a member of Chi Omega, Model United Nations and UM’s chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society.

萨曼莎成本, CEMEX 萨曼莎成本
Senior 萨曼莎成本 interned at CEMEX, a local aggregates quarry in Brierfield, 她在哪里协助建筑行业的项目,重点是安全和卓越运营. 在开始实习之前,她必须通过矿山安全与健康管理局的认证.

成本, a mathematics major from Clanton, 今年夏天主要从事两个项目,第一个是雨水排放跟踪项目,她将CEMEX的雨水环境形式数字化,并根据实验室数据创建了自动生成的图表. 第二个是仓库组织项目,她组织了四个不同的仓库,并在Microsoft Excel中创建了一个库存和定位系统.

“我最喜欢的部分是跟随不同的部门,了解整个行业的所有情况,”她说。. “One of the main things I learned was just how important safety is in this industry. 只需要一点疏忽和无视规则,就会有人受重伤.”

成本 is a member of the Honors Program, president of Astronomy Club, co-president of Math Club, business manager of The Alabamian and a Montevallo Master. She also works on campus at the Learning Enrichment Center, the Physical Plant and the Environmental Education Department.

Jazell骑士, O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB Jazell骑士
Jazell骑士被阿拉巴马大学伯明翰奥尼尔综合癌症中心的癌症研究多样性(DICR)项目录取. Funded by the American Cancer Society, 该计划为不同的本科生提供专家指导和实践学习,以培养他们对科学研究的兴趣.

奈特是一名主修生物学的大三学生,辅修西班牙语. Heather Tinsley, associate professor of biology at UM. The application process was completely online, and Knight was one of only four students who were accepted to the program.

奈特整个夏天都在UAB药理学和毒理学部门的一个实验室里进行癌症研究. Karina Yoon, associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology.

“My favorite part was building rapport with the laboratory staff and my mentor, Dr. Yoon,” the Mobile native said. “通过第一手的经验和我自己的研究,我学到了很多关于在癌症和肿瘤学领域工作的感觉.”

在校园, Knight is a member of UM’s dance team, TRIO Student Support Services and a resident assistant.

Jazmin米勒, Pendragon Theatre  Jazmin米勒
Jazmin米勒 spent time in New York this summer interning at Pendragon Theatre, a performing arts theatre in Saranac Lake. On track to earn a BFA in Theatre with a concentration in acting, the senior from Pinson heard about the internship from Michael Walker, chair of UM’s Department of Theatre. 沃克是通过一个朋友知道这家剧院的,那个朋友当时正在招聘舞台管理和行政领域的实习生.

Throughout the first few weeks of the internship, 米勒和她的实习生同事们去了彭德拉贡剧院,为新一季的演出帮助布置和打扫剧院. 他们认识了Pendragon的老板,了解了作为实习生在制作团队工作的期望.

Once the season started, Miller served as assistant stage manager of the production “The Marvelous Wonderettes,” where she worked alongside the stage manager and helped keep the show in order, 从跟踪舞台上发生的时刻到协助后台需要帮手的地方. After that, she was made stage manager for “The Little Mermaid Jr.,” taking on the role of running the show fully.

Along with the experience she’s gained, 米勒很感激她在彭德拉贡大学期间结交的朋友和她学到的个人经验, including patience, time management and work-life balance.

“I’ve learned cognitive thinking skills and how to make something out of nothing,”她说。. “即使我个人不懂一些东西,我也不怕问或让别人教我. I had to remind myself that just because someone is better at something than you, doesn’t mean you’re less than. Just continue to learn with that person.”

在校园, Miller is a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. and Montevallo MADE.